Marex 375 / North star

Osnovne informacije


Marex 375

Vrsta plovila:

Motor boat





12.05 m


6 (4+2)




3.55 m


1.05 m


7700.00 kg

Rezervoar za vodu:

340.00 l

Rezervoar za gorivo:

700.00 l


2x300 HP Volvo d.

Električna oprema

Radio/CD player , TV/DVD , Punjač baterija , Generator , Grijanje , Klimatizacija

Kuhinjska oprema

Električni hladnjak , Plinski štednjak , Posuđe , Sudoper sa dva korita , Ledenica

Sigurnosna oprema

Kaljužna pumpa , Pirotehnička oprema , Splav za spašavanje , Aparat za gašenje (2) , First Aid kit

Palubna oprema

Električno sidreno vitlo , Bimini top , Stol u kokpitu , Jastuci u kokpitu , Tuš u kokpitu (topla voda) , Stepenice za kupanje , Gumenjak sa vanbrodskim motorom , Electic outboard engine

Unutarnja oprema

Posteljina , Ručnici , Topla voda

Navigacijska oprema

Kompas , GPS ploter , Brzinomjer , Dubinomjer , Pomorske karte , VHF radiostanica , Pramčani propeler , Krmeni propeler

Standard equipment

WiFi Internet , Cockpit cushions , Outboard engine , Towels , Welcome pack

Dodatni opis plovila

The new Marex 375 is the award-winning European boat of the year 2017!.
The basic idea has been to focus on the space above the deck and now made room for two large seating areas in the boat. The main emphasis is that today’s customers want to stay upstairs and not have a seating area below deck. Marex has also tried to give the boat a yacht feeling in the design of the bow and with the wide side deck.
Seaworthiness of Marex 375 are great and it has a planning hull, equipped with twin Volvo 300 HP engines with V shaft drive.
Cruising speed is 21 kts!
Turistička zajednica Šibensko kninske županije