Hanse 505 / Anse

Boat can be returned to our Marina Mandalina for check-out on Saturday morning till 09:00 h
Wi-Fi, outboard engine, towels, cushions = ALL included
For more info, please contact our booking office

360Play 360 view of the boat

Osnovne informacije


Hanse 505

Vrsta plovila:

Sail boat





15.40 m


4.75 m


1.98 m


14000.00 kg


12 (11+1)


6 (5+1)

WC / Tuš:

4 (3+1)

Rezervoar za vodu:

650.00 l

Rezervoar za gorivo:

300.00 l


72 HP Volvo

Brod je opremljen s:

Električna oprema

Radio/CD player , TV/DVD , Punjač baterija , Generator , Klimatizacija

Kuhinjska oprema

Električni hladnjak , Plinski štednjak , Pećnica , Posuđe , Sudoper sa dva korita

Sigurnosna oprema

Prsluci za spašavanje , Kaljužna pumpa , Pirotehnička oprema , Splav za spašavanje , Sigurnosni pojasevi , Aparat za gašenje (2) , First Aid kit

Palubna oprema

Električno sidreno vitlo , Bimini top , Stol u kokpitu , Jastuci u kokpitu , Tuš u kokpitu (topla voda) , Stepenice za kupanje , Sprayhood , Vanbrodski motor , Gumenjak sa vanbrodskim motorom , Volan kormila (2)

Jedra i jedrilje

Glavno jedro - Roll (year 2024!) , Self-tacking jib/roll , Gennaker (opcija)

Unutarnja oprema

Posteljina , Ručnici , Topla voda

Navigacijska oprema

Autopilot , Kompas , GPS ploter , Brzinomjer , Dubinomjer , Pomorske karte , VHF radiostanica , Anemometar , GPS ploter u kokpitu , Pramčani propeler

Standard equipment

WiFi Internet , Cockpit cushions , Outboard engine , Towels , Welcome pack

Dodatni opis plovila

Hanse 505 is designed for distance-making and stress-free sailing. Have a elegant hull with a long waterline, sail plan for performance and comfortable cockpit area to ensure a new level of sailing pleasure.
Easy to sail with roll main sail and self tacking jib and can accomodate 12 (11+1) persons in total in 5 cabins + skipper cabin.
4 cabins with double bed and one cabin with twin beds. Have 3 bathrooms with the shower + skipper WC.
Yacht is fully equipped with heating, air conditioning, generator for perfect and comfort sailing.

Cijene (2025)

Sigurnosni depozit: 3.000,00 €

10.05. - 24.05.
24.05. - 14.06.
14.06. - 19.07.
19.07. - 16.08.
16.08. - 30.08.
30.08. - 06.09.
06.09. - 20.09.
20.09. - 27.09.
27.09. - 31.12.
4.100 €
5.250 €
6.050 €
7.150 €
6.050 €
5.250 €
4.750 €
3.900 €
3.600 €

Odaberite svoje datume za početak rezervacije

Datumi rezervacije mogu se uskladiti kasnije s našim timom.

Mrs. Lisa W. sailed on
Lisa W. | Italy - Čarter gost
Lisa W. | Italy - Čarter gost
We would like to thank all the team at NCP for the fantastic service we received during our 2019 Croatia sailing holiday.
From start to finish everything has been first class; Katarina, Antonia and Sandra were really efficient, professional and friendly during initial enquiry to booking and then check in at the Marina. The boat was really immaculate upon delivery, everything in perfect working order. All cleaning team, skipper Ratko and all other staff on the pier C responsive and competent.
We especially appreciated the welcome pack consisting of locally products, wine, biscuits etc all delicious. BRAVI BRAVI BRAVI!!!
We cannot wait to return!
Grand Soleil 37R
Mr. Nikica B. sailed on
Nikica B. | Hrvatska - Čarter gost
Nikica B. | Hrvatska - Čarter gost
Mr. Nikica B., with NCP for over 15 years! Impressions on Marex 320 ACC?
For this size of boat it leaves you speachless, everything is just where it should be, every inch perfectly used. Gives you a feeling of warmth, safety, suprises you with well thought details, in no time you feel at home. Interior, building materials and design of head unit, shower compartment, cabins...you get tired trying to find a mistake, and you are supposed to be on vacation !
Unbelievable maritime capabilities. Easy handling, smooth on the seas, even in rough conditions. And at the cruising speed of 17-19 kts does not consume much diesel.
For the rest you want to know, you have to come and try...
Marex 320

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+385 (0) 22 312 999

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